Job request

Make staffing more efficient

SMS or voice messaging via our SaaS-solution Job request makes it easier and faster to find and call in qualified and available healthcare workers to fill open shifts when a sudden vacancy occurs.

Rapid staffing with SMS, voicemail or app

Are employees sick at the last minute? LEKABs Job request solution allows hospitals and healthcare institutions to send messages easily and quickly via SMS, voice, or app to qualified and available employees for quick filling of open shifts. Reaching every mobile phone, SMS is the preferred choice for healthcare organisations staff and patient communications. 97% of text messages are read within 5 seconds, hospitals and healthcare institutions can therefore make sure important communication is not missed. 

Our solution meets the most stringent demands for security, accessibility, and stability.

Why Job request for healthcare?

Missed appointments mean wasted opportunities to see other patients, resulting in an increase in costs and longer waiting times. Because of information overload and the use of different communication channels, employees and patients often miss out on important information which might be expensive. Luckily, the emergence of targeted messaging service and technology is enabling hospitals to better streamline the flow of information to reduce information overload and getting attention on important messages. 

That is why LEKAB has developed a cloud-based messaging solution that uses a unique, automated, and rule-based request process with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to get started and keep track of the job requests you have sent out. All you need is a cloud service for different communication flows. 

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Benefits of job requests via SMS

Staff optimisation

Your operations do not have to stop due to sudden disruptions or illness. Effortlessly fill open shifts with automated two-way text messages. By enabling you to call in the right employee right away, you maintain continuity in your daily operations.

Free up time and resources

Messages are sent out automatically. This means you save time and resources that are otherwise required to call in personnel. Ensuring clear communications also becomes a lot easier. Not least when it is urgent and the information is critical.

Reducing costs

Employees and patients who miss out on important information creates unnecessary and unwanted expenses. Optimising staffing and resource utilisation processes saves you time and money, which contributes to more sustainable finances.

Get immediate attention and response with an SMS


What can I do?

It is easy to get started and simple to create contact lists and groups. Save valuable time with pre-populated message templates for different types of mailings for any event.

  • Find replacements quickly for an open shift
  • Filter staff by skill, availability, language and more
  • Set up smart rules such as escalation and rotation
  • See current workflows, responses received and status in real time in dashboard

A cloud-based communication platform for message management & distribution

The application Job request is highly configurable and can be adapted to fit ever-changing needs and different processes between and within hospitals and healthcare institutions. It is based on a single platform that operates as a free-standing cloud service and comprises four core modules:

  • Messaging and communication system
  • Administration interface and dashboard
  • Workflow engine and message templates
  • Address book with contact details
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Call in staff at a moment’s notice

Trying to call all staff members or organizing external cover through an agency is both time consuming and expensive. Using mobile messaging to send shift offers is a perfect way to communicate with on-call staff, temporary workers and contractors who can confirm or decline at the push of a button. It will speed up the whole process and save time and money. To cover shifts internally, is always less expensive. 

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Job request Healthcare (eng) 2021.11-1

Rapid shift cover with SMS

With the right messaging solution, the daily operations do not have to stop due to illness or sudden absence from work. Call in staff with the right skills in a second using the mobile phone!

  • Get attention and answers right away
  • Free up time from unnecessary staffing tasks
  • Increase staff engagement

Read more about how the job request solution make staffing and calling in personnel more efficient. Download our product sheet today!

Other uses of messaging in healthcare

Communication in healthcare is like any other sector, you need to reach the right audience at the right time. You will need to communicate with both your staff and your patients. Sending an SMS to remind patients of their appointment gives them the opportunity to confirm, cancel or reschedule. SMS can also be sent to patients for follow-up purpose or to give out information instantly, for example:

  • To deliver test results
  • To inform patients on the availability of their results
  • To inform patients to take their medication (automated messages)
  • To send thank you sms to blood donors
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Healthcare worker informs patient

Want to learn more about streamlining your staffing processes using SMS?

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