Job request

Make staffing and calling in crew more efficient

SMS or voice messaging via our SaaS-solution Job request makes it easier and faster to find and call in qualified, available flight crews to fill open trips when a sudden vacancy occurs.

Rapid staffing with SMS, voicemail or app

LEKABs Job request solution Crew Call-out, allows airlines or transport companies to send messages easily and quickly via SMS, voice, or app to qualified and available crew members for quick crew recovery. Our Job request solution for airlines optimizes crew management, helping schedulers and crew control save significant time, improve service levels and free up time for other important operational tasks. The solution meets the most stringent demands for security, accessibility, and stability.

Why Job request for airlines?

Managing crew operations is critical for any travel provider's service efficiency and delivery. Crew costs are the second-largest component of direct operating costs after fuel for most airlines. Flight delays and cancellations due to crew operations mismanagement are expensive. Crew shift management is, therefore, a significant factor in profitability. Efficient crew management when disruptions occur can be turned into a competitive advantage, affecting brand, bottom line, and operational efficiency. Cost reductions of a few percent can amount to significant savings for airlines.

That is why LEKAB has developed a cloud-based messaging solution, providing an automated crew call-out via SMS or app notifications to manage crew recovery caused by disruptions and on-the-day operational changes. It adapts seamlessly to the specific needs of airlines, railway companies, and cruise companies to optimize crew utilization.

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Benefits of job requests via SMS

Staff optimisation

Your operations do not have to stop due to sudden disruptions or illness. Effortlessly fill open shifts with automated two-way text messages. By enabling you to call in the right crew member right away, you maintain continuity in your daily operations.

Free up time and resources

Messages are sent out automatically. This means you save time and resources that are otherwise required to call in personnel. Ensuring clear communications also becomes a lot easier. Not least when it is urgent and the information is critical.

Reducing costs

Managing crew operations is a critical aspect of any travel provider's service efficiency and delivery.  Optimising staffing and resource utilisation processes saves you time and money, which contributes to more sustainable finances.

Get immediate attention and response with an SMS


What can I do?

It is easy to get started and simple to create contact lists and groups. Save valuable time with pre-populated message templates for different types of mailings for any event.

  • Call-out or notify crew, technicians, or ground handling staff.
  • Find replacements quickly for an open shift
  • Filter staff by skill, availability, language and more
  • Set up smart rules such as escalation and rotation
  • See current workflows, responses received and status in real time in dashboard
Scheduler at crew control

A cloud-based communication platform for message management & distribution

The application Automated Crew-call out is highly configurable and can be adapted to fit ever-changing needs and different processes between and within airlines and transport companies. It is based on a single platform that operates as a free-standing cloud service and comprises four core modules:

  • Messaging and communication system
  • Administration interface and dashboard
  • Workflow engine and message templates
  • Crew address book with contact details
Learn more
Crew Call-out_Job request

Learn more about the benefits of Crew call-out

Our Job request solution for Airlines and Airports is a fully automated application that streamlines crew recovery and reserve crew call-out. It helps crew operations to improve overall operational efficiency and fill open trips or shifts due to a last-minute call-off or other disruptions.

Download our product sheet and learn more how you can get even better leverage with our Job request solution!

Want to learn more about streamlining your staffing processes using SMS?

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