SMS Sender ID: A guide for Business messaging

In business messaging, where every character counts, Sender IDs play a crucial role in determining the success of your SMS campaigns. From Alphanumeric Sender IDs to 10DLC, each type serves a unique purpose. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the differences between Sender IDs and help you understand when and how to use them effectively.

Alphanumeric Sender ID: crafting your brand identity

Imagine receiving an SMS from your favourite brand, and instead of a random phone number, it displays their brand name. That's the magic of Alphanumeric Sender IDs. These IDs allow you to send messages using your brand name or a custom text with both letters (A-Z, both uppercase and lowercase) and numbers (0-9), making your messages instantly recognizable and trustworthy. The maximum length of an alphanumeric sender ID can vary depending on the regulations in a given country. In many cases, alphanumeric sender IDs can be up to 11 characters long. However, it's not possible to reply to messages from alphanumeric sender IDs; therefore, having a two-way dialogue with your recipients is impossible.

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Dedicated number: your personal connection

Use the same number to send and receive all your SMS. A Dedicated Number is like having your virtual phone line for messaging. It's exclusive to your business, ensuring that your customers always recognize your messages. This level of personalisation fosters trust and engagement, especially in industries like finance and healthcare. A shared number can be used if you don't use a dedicated number. A shared number means that several different companies can use the same Sender ID when sending messages. 

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Short number: the shortcut to engagement

Short Number or short code are typically shorter (4- or 6-digit) than regular mobile numbers and are easy to remember. They're excellent for marketing campaigns, voting, and other high-volume activities where customers need to respond quickly. Short numbers are often associated with keywords, where customers can respond to a message by texting a specific keyword, like YES or NO, to the short number. 

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Long number: blending in with the crowd

Long Numbers or long code is a virtual phone number of standard length (10 digits)
that can be used by businesses to send and receive text messages.
They're often preferred for two-way communication as they blend seamlessly into a recipient's contact list. This makes it ideal for customer service and support, but it also works well for marketing and other use cases. The exact format and length of long numbers may vary by country or region, so it's essential to consider local numbering conventions and regulations when using long numbers for messaging purposes. Long numbers are cheaper to use than short numbers. 

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TFN (Toll-Free Number): a pathway to accessibility

TFN Sender IDs are toll-free numbers, making it easy to reach out to customers without incurring extra charges. They're a popular choice for businesses looking to provide a convenient way for customers to engage. TFN are widely available in many countries and used especially in North America. In Sweden, toll-free numbers might start with "020" and allow callers to reach a business without incurring any charges. To use TFN, it's mandatory to register information about your company, customer opt-in and templates of the messages you want to send to ensure no spam SMS will be sent out and that local policies are complied with.   


10DLC (10-Digit Long Code): for messaging in North America

10 DLC is a 10-digit numeric phone number similar to regular phone numbers, which can enhance trust and recognition among recipients, but with certain features and capabilities tailored for sending and receiving A2P text messages in North America. It's ideal for businesses that need to send high volumes of messages, such as marketing updates, alerts, and notifications, to a broad audience. To use 10DLC, it's mandatory to register information about your company, customer opt-in and templates of the messages you want to send to ensure no spam SMS will be sent out and that local policies are complied with.  

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It's important to note that the application process for Sender IDs may vary depending on the type of Sender ID, your messaging service provider and the specific requirements of the carriers you plan to work with. However, the application process doesn't have to be a challenging task; a messaging service provider like us, LEKAB, will help you through the process, ensuring compliance and a seamless experience. Read more about how to apply and register your Sender ID to protect your brand's authenticity and safeguard against smishing and spoofing. 

In conclusion, Sender IDs are essential for business messaging. They help you represent your brand, engage customers, and create a seamless communication experience. You can maximise the potential of SMS marketing and customer engagement by choosing the right Sender ID for your specific needs. So, go ahead and harness the magic of Sender IDs to take your business messaging to new heights!

LEKAB provides mobile messaging services, messaging APIs and software for advanced business messaging and process automation. We offer digital tools and solutions to companies that want to optimise how they communicate and interact with customers and employees on the mobile to improve productivity, availability and the customer experience through mobile channels. Do you want to know more or ask us for advice? Contact Us!

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