SMS reminders for increased customer satisfaction and efficiency

Missed bookings and appointments are a common challenge across various industries, whether it's a medical appointment, a restaurant reservation, or a scheduled meeting at your local bank office. This issue can be easily addressed with an automatic SMS reminder. By sending automated notifications and enabling two-way SMS, recipients also have the opportunity to respond directly. Time is a valuable resource, and a simple SMS reminder is an effective way to ensure that the booking is not overlooked. It can also serve as a reminder to the customer to take action, such as picking up a package or renewing a subscription that is soon to expire.

Automated SMS reminders are a simple way to save both time and money while increasing efficiency. Missed bookings and meetings can be a waste of both time and internal personnel resources and can be extremely costly, depending on the industry.

With an impressive open and read rate of 90% within 3 minutes, the mobile phone is a powerful communication channel that is always readily available. SMS booking confirmations and SMS reminders enhance the customer experience and provide a professional and reliable impression. Through SMS reminders, companies signal their care for their customers. The ability for recipients to respond to SMS reminders creates a two-way channel where patients, customers, and employees can confirm their appointments, ask questions, or request additional information. Two-way SMS opens up dialogue, engagement, and participation.

LEKAB - Reminder

SMS reminders for healthcare

In the healthcare sector, SMS reminders are commonly used to reduce missed appointments and facilitate communication between healthcare providers and patients for all types of healthcare visits. Within the healthcare sector, there is a need to inform patients about upcoming appointment bookings to avoid costs associated with missed appointments and time-consuming phone calls.

SMS reminders in healthcare can also be used for medication reminders, prescription information, and test results.

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SMS reminders for bank & insurance 

SMS reminders to customers are an effective way to ensure attendance for calendar bookings. Another common application for SMS reminders in banking and finance is various forms of payment reminders. By reminding the customer about upcoming or overdue payments, the risk of delayed payments is reduced, thus minimising the potential penalties associated with overdue payments. Include URL links that lead the receiver to personalised or chosen landing pages. 

SMS reminder bank

SMS reminders for the HR-function and recruitment 

To enhance engagement and facilitate internal communication, SMS reminders can be used within the Human Resource function to remind employees of important meetings, training sessions, or deadlines (such as time reports, vacation requests, etc.). Even during a recruitment process, SMS reminders can be effective in informing and reminding candidates about calendar bookings or other information ahead of the meeting, creating a seamless and professional experience. By implementing SMS reminders within HR processes, companies can improve communication efficiency, reduce misunderstandings, and enhance employee engagement and compliance with processes and guidelines.

SMS reminders for event management

SMS reminders can inform participants about the time, location, and any potential changes. By enabling two-way SMS, participants can confirm their attendance or provide feedback after the event. This way, SMS reminders become not only a tool for attendance reminders but also a channel to enhance the participant's experience, which is crucial for the success of events.

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Bookings and SMS reminders for the service industry

Within the service sector, there are numerous areas for SMS bookings and reminders to enhance the customer experience and reduce the risk of missed appointments, such as:

  • Hair and beauty salons
  • Restaurants and hospitality sector
  • Gyms and wellness establishments
  • Service and maintenance bookings
  • Subscription or membership renewals

By integrating two-way SMS, businesses have the opportunity to establish an interactive dialogue with the customer. Customers can respond to SMS reminders to confirm their attendance or provide feedback through post-appointment experience surveys. This interaction not only creates more efficient management but also strengthens customer relationships through increased engagement and prompt feedback.

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SMS booking and reminders for the travel industry

SMS reminders connected to travel and hotel booking systems are convenient for informing travellers about important details and any changes in the travel itinerary. It is not only crucial to remind about the departure itself but also about check-in times, potential delays, or other relevant information for a seamless journey. Through two-way SMS, travellers can, for example, check in beforehand, confirm time changes, or rebook their seats.

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In summary, SMS reminders are essential for increased internal productivity and reduced administration. Two-way SMS enables quick responses and creates a direct dialogue that can enhance workflow and strengthen relationships among various stakeholders. LEKAB offers SMS APIs to integrate into your existing booking system, marketing automation or other systems, along with a web messaging tool if you prefer to compose and send the message on our messaging platform.

LEKAB provides mobile messaging services, messaging APIs and software for advanced business messaging and process automation. We offer digital tools and solutions to companies that want to optimise how they communicate and interact with customers and employees on the mobile to improve productivity, availability and the customer experience through mobile channels. Do you want to know more or ask us for advice? Contact Us!

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