Airline streamlines staffing and save time and money with SMS notices

A centralised communication system makes all sorts of processes more efficient. A business notification system eases many of the daily challenges that airlines face. When the system is mobile-based solution, it facilitates and speed up daily tasks for those who need to send and receive messages often.

Every day, airlines encounter situations that demand that they quickly send and receive crucial information to specific parties. Whether calling in replacement crew or other staff or getting flight information from one department to another, it is vital that messages can be sent and delivered quickly and without hassle.

Efficient Staffing – A must for airlines

Without pilots and cabin crew, planes can’t take off. If a plane doesn’t take off when it should, it costs airlines a lot of money. This means that an airline’s whole business model depends on the right crew members being onboard and on time. This makes functional staffing processes crucial. Airplane staffing starts as soon as a route is planned and doesn’t end until the plane is off the ground. Whether you’re in the first stages of a staffing process or there is a last-minute need for a new crew, an efficient communication process and system need to be in place.

With a centralized communication solution, up-to-date with employees’ contact details and status, finding the right crew member becomes much easier. In acute situations, the flight crew may need to be replaced immediately for an upcoming flight. A single communication system lets airlines contact a targeted segment of employees and collect their responses quickly and simply. This is even easier when the system uses both SMS and an app, letting you reach out via multiple, inexpensive, immediate channels. With a system that allows for intelligent communication and filtering functions, you can quickly select who should receive each message. An integrated communication solution makes it as easy for employees to send their response via SMS as it was for you to send the message in the first place!

Consolidate your communication solutions

There are many reasons to collect all of an organisation’s communication in one central tool:

  • With the entire contact database in the same system, it is simple to create different messages to send to different segments via SMS or app. This makes it easier to get the right message to the people who have the right role, certifications, and availability or are in the right region.

  • Having the same centralized system for every department allows for oversight of all inbound and outbound communication. This makes it possible to see exactly what information has been sent and received, and to avoid sending redundant messages.

  • With one centralized communication system, you can share templates for all messaging tasks. These templates ensure that messages follow predefined criteria for tone and language instead of leaving it up to each person. This gives all communications a unified feel, whether intended for internal or external use.

  • A shared, central tool allows employees across an organization to become familiar with using that tool. This minimizes the amount of learning time needed to use the system, making sending messages more efficient.

Save time and money with a company-wide tool

A centralized communication solution lets all departments work similarly, which helps efficiency. This allows airlines to save a lot of time on staffing processes. Using mobile phone-based communication via SMS or an app lets airlines handle rush projects, such as last-minute staffing needs, more quickly and efficiently. A system that shows all available staff and that gives off-duty staff a way to “sell” their off-duty days reduces the cost of having employees on standby. It also gives staffing managers a better overview of who is available and when. A better staffing process means more flights take off on time, saving thousands in fees and passenger compensation.

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