Incident communication

Quickly inform and deploy resources during incidents

SMS allows you to immediately reach the right people with urgent information, which can help resolve incidents faster and minimise damage and downtime.

Security breach Serious incident Operational incident

Communicate with SMS when
every second counts

Quick and effective communication is crucial in time-critical situations involving risk to life, property, or business operations. Keep your people safe and your business running without interruption with SMS alerts.

SMS allows messages to reach many recipients quickly, whether staff, customers, or citizens. With a 98% open rate, your important messages will be received, even during emergencies when internet access may be limited. SMS ensures critical information gets out safely.

System hacked incident

Why send SMS for incident response?

Attention and immediacy

SMS is delivered instantly and is usually read within minutes, making it one of the fastest methods to reach people in an emergency. This is crucial in the case of IT incidents affecting business-critical systems or in the event of a fire, where every second counts.

Reliable delivery

SMS works without an internet connection, making it a reliable channel when email and internal chat tools are down or unavailable.  This is particularly important in the event of IT or network disruptions.

Two-way communication

SMS also allows recipients to reply, enabling two-way communication during an incident. This is particularly useful for quickly gathering information on the situation or getting confirmation from staff that they have received the alert.

Redundancy & security

By utilising both SMS and email, you create a robust communication strategy that ensures critical information is delivered through multiple channels. This redundancy adds an extra layer of security, safeguarding your communication efforts and increasing the likelihood that important messages are received.

Continuous updates

SMS can be used to send continuous updates during an incident. For example, it can provide ongoing information about actions during an IT incident or inform employees about the evacuation status in case of a fire.


SMS has the unique advantage of reaching people wherever they are – even on the move or in areas with poor or no internet connectivity. Since most individuals keep their mobile phones within arm’s reach, SMS ensures that your message is delivered and read promptly, maximising your communication reach.

Logging & documentation

SMS communications can be logged and documented, providing a clear audit trail for compliance, analysis, and continuous improvement of incident management. It also helps to ensure that the right people have received critical information in a timely manner.

Areas of use

  • IT incidents

    IT incidents

    Businesses rely heavily on IT systems, but the risk of system outages, tech failures, breaches, and cyberattacks is growing. By sending real-time alerts to IT teams and stakeholders, businesses can ensure rapid response and minimise downtime, helping to maintain operational continuity and protect sensitive data.

  • Serious incidents fire

    Serious incidents

    In emergencies threatening life or property, such as fires or terrorist attacks, SMS provides rapid alerts to employees, responders, and the public with evacuation orders and safety instructions. It also provides a discreet way to share critical information in situations requiring silence.

  • Operational incidents

    Operational incidents

    When supply chain disruptions, equipment failures, or other operational issues arise, SMS ensures that the right teams are notified immediately. Quick communication enables swift action, reducing downtime and maintaining productivity while keeping all stakeholders informed and aligned.

  • Workplace incidents

    Workplace safety

    Providing instant notifications of accidents, hazardous conditions, or other safety concerns allows health and safety teams to respond rapidly with SMS, ensuring that risks are mitigated and employees are protected, fostering a safer working environment.

  • Serious incidents police

    Security for citizens in municipalities and regions

    In the event of serious incidents such as natural disasters, major accidents or other societal disruptions, residents can be quickly informed via SMS. With warnings about dangerous areas, evacuation instructions or other safety measures, authorities can act proactively to protect the health and safety of citizens and keep the public updated with relevant and critical information.

Send SMS via Web Messaging Tool

With our user-friendly Web Messaging Tool you can import address books from any system and reach out with information to affected parties during critical events, and call in the necessary resources using SMS and automatic voice dialling. Create templates and automated workflows to save time. The tool is web-based and can operate independently of the internal IT environment in a crisis.

  • Metadata for addressing and filtering
  • Microsoft Azure integration
  • Preset & custom templates
  • Multichannel – send SMS, voice, email or in-app
  • 2-way communication
  • Monitor message delivery with dashboards
IT incident WMT use case

Talk to one of our business
messaging experts

Fill in the form, and we will get in touch as soon
as possible or call us: +46 8-635 26 00.